soft skills for early 20s

7 Underrated Soft skills to MUST learn in your early 20s

Unlike the “Hard Skills” that represent our technical skills, “Soft Skills” are our social, human, and personal skills, they directly refer to our emotional behavior or intelligence. They represent our way of communicating with others, communicating with ourselves and are much more important in the context of the work than you can imagine. Learning these skills in early 20s will bring you great network and long term relationships.

Our better soft skills put positive impression infront of every person we communicate, meet or chat with. Which also shows the importance of soft skills for landing a job. Every recruiter watches your soft skills before hiring.

I will share with you 7 underrated soft skills (not the leadership, communication ones, though they are important) which will not only stand you out from other peoples but also make you most influential person on room.

[Highly Recommended Reading Book]

#1Work on your body language

Better body language = Higher confidence

Improving our body language is rule of thumb or let’s say a trick to boost our confidence. We can experience our dull body language lowering our self-esteem and developing fear (in interviews, stage, etc.).

Apart from developing confidence, it helps us express our emotions. You would have seem those hand gestures that speakers use to direct us and express their emotions more clearly. Imagine a speaker using no body language, no facial expressions, no eye contacts or no hand movements, that would be too boring to listen (unless he has musical voice!!).

Few ways to develop better body language are;

  • Look in the eyes
  • Give a broad smile (not that broad!)
  • Keep your chin up
  • Speak clear and not very fast
  • Do not fidget

Also Read: 9 Ways to Improve Your Positive Social Interaction Skills

#2Learn to Negotiate

Negotiation means, can you make the situation to end up in your favor. For eg. Negotiation in job interviews, can you get a higher CTC, negotiation with teacher to accept your assignment day after tomorrow, etc.

Some basic negotiation tips;

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. 
  • Do your homework.
  • Don’t be in a hurry.
  • Don’t give anything away without getting something in return.

People with zero negotiation skills mostly end up undervaluing themselves. Thinking they could have gotten more. As said above, don’t be afraid to ask, that’s no. 1 rule to negotiate.


Self-analysis here is described as to observe our personal (life’s) growth. This is most underrated because lot of us are juggling around life, trying to learn or do several things at a time. And all of this without measuring our growth.

Self-analysis helps us to find where we are and where we are going. We make necessary changes if needed and keep moving. It helps us to be clear on our track with zero confusions.

There are several softwares on the internet to measure growth of our businesses. But technically no software can help us to measure ourselves. We have to learn to do it manually.

#4Learn to teach yourself

Thank your professors for teaching you thermodynamics, but unfortunately he will not always be with you to teach you everything you need. All of us are student for a big classroom called “life“. And best part of it is: you are your own teacher. Early you accept it and learn this skill of educating yourself, the better grades you can achieve.

We were never taught this skill, not everyone talks about it. And learning this skill in early 20s will give you competitive advantage.

Learn to teach yourself even small things, teach yourself how to paint, how to design, how to write an effective email, etc. Stay focused about it and track growth.

#5Leave an Impression

“Your impression on others matters because it sets the terms of how people will interact with you.”

Leaving an impression is a skill because mostly being subconscious we don’t usually care about it we just enjoy or hang out with our closed peoples (eg. parties, events etc.).

When it comes to making impressions, people make snap judgments without realizing what they’re picking up on, so knowing what makes people feel good or bad can help you influence people both consciously and subconsciously. This helps us to create connections that we might have never imagined of.

Care about leaving a positive impression.

Recommended Read: Lasting First Impression: 10 Ways to Make Great First Impression

#6Become a Better Listener

Being a good listener is part of becoming a great leader, better communicator, grow body language, etc. Basically one of most important skill you need to learn in early 20s to become better at influencing peoples.

“There is a difference in listening and waiting for your turn to speak.”

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek in his book shared incredible insights to become a leader that people need. He shares, to become an active listener do following things;

  1. Replace judgements with curiosity
  2. Empty the Bucket
  3. Be active

Watching this video will help you to be an active listener.

#7Be Adaptive

Adaptive to a environment is sometimes common if few peoples and some struggle with it. Being not adaptive in new place feels lost, mostly unaware, impacts our work. It’s all because you’re not adaptive to environment, it takes time for you to settle.

And learning this skill is important because sometimes changing places, getting to a new office can impact your productivity, mood, and it also demotivates you when you observe your down growth.

Being adaptive will make you comfortable while travelling, and you could enjoy every moment still being aware of it (not sick and lying on your bed).


Choose one skill at a time and start working on it. Chances are you might already be practicing few of them, and now practice them with awareness and self-analysis to get most out of it.

Good DAY📌

RECOMMENDED READ: 7 Habits to Develop in Your 20s to Grow in Life

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