3 practices to develop willpower

3 Simple Practices for Developing Willpower to Achieve More in Life

The greatest thing we can do in our life is developing willpower. With willpower we can achieve anything we want. Hurdles and obstacles will not impact us. With willpower we can stay on track to achieving desires as long as we want.

We all know about WORD willpower but how many of us really know its meaning. Before today, I was totally unaware of what true willpower means.

Currently, I am reading a book Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani, lesson 7 is dedicated to willpower. I received deeper insights and today I would love to dig more deep and discuss how you and I can develop willpower and why it’s important to develop?

Imagine, living life with no awareness. At 80 or hopefully 110 you will realize that you spent your life around things that didn’t really matter. And you were distracted with your phones, acting being busy, around toxic people, and so on. 

Willpower will give you the ability to prioritize what matters.

What is the true meaning of willpower?

Willpower is defined as the ability to channel our entire energy to one thing for a long period of time. It’s the ability to control one’s own thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to make positive choices, even when it’s difficult.

When we have control on willpower then only we truly have control over our mind hence, life.

An example of lack of willpower

Imagine a person named Mary who wants to be more organized and productive. She sets a goal to clear her clutter and create a more organized workspace. But every time she sits down to do it, she gets easily distracted by her phone or a TV show. It’s because Mary lacks willpower.

What causes lack of willpower?

Negative self-talk: Negative self-talk, such as self-doubt or lack of confidence, can undermine our willpower and make it harder to stick to our goals.

Distractions: Our modern, technology-filled world is filled with distractions, making it harder to stay focused and resist temptations hence, our willpower keeps decreasing.

Unclear goals: If our goals are not clear or specific enough, it’s harder to focus and exert self-control towards reaching them. Unclear goals will create confusion of what to do, how to do, I am already late, etc. in daily tasks.

Emotional turmoil: Negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or depression, can make it harder to control our impulses and exert willpower.

Unhealthy environment: If your environment doesn’t align with your aspirations, if it doesn’t align with habits you want to build, doesn’t align with the future you want. That will surely decrease your willpower.

Essentially, willpower is the driving force that allows us to take control of our lives, resist distractions and temptations, and reach our desired outcomes. So, it’s a quality that enables us to make choices that support our long-term well-being, instead of giving in to short-term impulses.

Will meditation help to increase willpower?

Studies have proven that meditation can promote mental as well as physical health. But does it impact our willpower?

To understand it let’s redefine willpower. It’s ability to bring us back from distraction mode to focus mode. The ability to control thoughts and emotions to get things done.

Only meditation will not promote willpower. We can see it by supposing that if you want to achieve 100% willpower so 20% can be achieved with practice of meditation.

Rest will be achieved with self-discipline. Because when you pick your phone in between tasks, you will need discipline to get back to the task.

Willpower requires discipline and self-control, and requires consistent effort and practice to develop.

Meditation can be a helpful tool to support willpower development, but it is not a replacement for the hard work and intentional effort required to strengthen one’s self-control and discipline. A combination of mindfulness, healthy habits, and intentional goal-setting can be more effective in developing and maintaining willpower.

3 Simple practices to develop willpower

The three simple ways to develop willpower that I learned in this book are;

  1. Finish what you start
  2. Finish it well, beyond your expectations
  3. Do a little bit more than you think you can

Finish what you start

By finishing what you start, you build momentum, increase your sense of accomplishment, and develop your willpower. In order to be successful in life, it’s important to develop the habit of following through on what you start, and not giving up in the face of challenges.

Willpower is always needed to bring anything to completion.

Conclude conversations, make your bed, finish your plates. Don’t leave the ground in between, choose to win or learn.

Finish it well, beyond your expectations, no matter how long it takes

Once you’ve made a commitment to finish what you start, it’s important to finish it well. This means putting in the extra effort to make sure it meets your high standards, and exceeds your expectations. 

This may take more time and energy, but the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel will strengthen your willpower.

Always ask yourself, “Can I do better than what I have done? And what more can I do?”

Do a little bit more than you think you can

Another way to develop willpower is to push yourself a little bit beyond what you think you can do. Whether it’s taking on a new challenge, working a little bit longer, or doing a little bit more, pushing yourself to do just a little bit more can have a big impact on your willpower. 

Difference between finishing well and doing little bit more

Suppose you decide to paint a room. Method 1 will help you complete painting the room. Method 2 will help you in designing walls with more colors and designs. And method 3 will encourage you to stick paintings in the room, add lamps in corners, etc. You got it.

“Don’t be the person who is satisfied with doing the bare minimum, who merely wants to get job done and move on.”

Doing more than your own expectations induces immense willpower and when you develop this habit you not only develop willpower, you also reach closer to your desired goals. 

Watch this


Remember, small actions can lead to big success and positive impact in your life.

“You can’t change the world and make something important happen if you’re not taking care of the little, seemingly unimportant things in your life.”

It feels amazing🤩

Have great day✨


What are the reasons behind a person’s lack of willpower?

A lack of willpower can be caused by various factors, including fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Sometimes, a lack of motivation or unclear goals can also lead to a lack of willpower.

How do you develop self-discipline and willpower?

There are several ways to cultivate self-discipline and strengthen willpower, such as setting achievable goals, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, creating a routine or schedule, and practicing mindfulness or meditation. It’s also important to stay motivated by rewarding yourself for accomplishments and staying positive when facing challenges.

What is the main factor that contributes to an individual’s willpower?

The main factor that contributes to an individual’s willpower is their mindset and belief in their ability to control their actions and achieve their goals. People with a growth mindset, who believe that they can develop their abilities and overcome challenges, tend to have stronger willpower than those with a fixed mindset who believe their abilities are limited.

How can one enhance it through practice?

One can enhance willpower through practice by setting goals, creating a plan to achieve them, and consistently taking small steps toward those goals. Building willpower can also involve developing healthy habits, practicing self-care, and seeking support from others.

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