Self Improvement

24 Best Skills to Learn for Remote Work with High Pay

Remote work is nowadays getting under the spotlight. A lot of working professionals are considering working remotely. With increased demand for remote work, the question of which skill would help you land a remote job/work is also increasing. I’ve researched and been through articles & bringing you few of the best skills to learn to …

24 Best Skills to Learn for Remote Work with High Pay Read More »

7 interpersonal communication skills in the workplace

7 Best Interpersonal Communication Skills in The Workplace

Taking charge with your interpersonal communication skills in the workplace can be the big difference between a successful career and one that’s just average. Effective communication involves more than just saying the right thing at the right time. It requires an understanding of relationships, body language, tone of voice, and other subtle nuances that can …

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6 work life balance tips and techniques

6 Practical Work Life Balance Tips and Techniques for Working Efficiently

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can feel like an impossible feat. However, it’s crucial for your mental and physical well-being, as well as your productivity and overall success. An unhealthy work-life balance is when work takes over your personal life, causing stress, burnout, and a lack of fulfillment. It’s important to …

6 Practical Work Life Balance Tips and Techniques for Working Efficiently Read More »

The Cynefin Framework Kick Your Decision Making Ability

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to make a decision, but you feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do? That’s where the Cynefin Framework comes in. It’s a decision-making model that helps you understand the complexity of the situation and guides you towards making the best possible decision.  “In any …

The Cynefin Framework Kick Your Decision Making Ability Read More »

How to Use Erin Condren Planner – 6 Step Guide

If you’re someone who struggles with managing your time, prioritizing tasks, or simply keeping track of your schedule, an Erin Condren planner can be a game-changer. These planners are not only functional but also visually appealing, making organizing your life a little more fun. But with so many different types of Erin Condren planners available, …

How to Use Erin Condren Planner – 6 Step Guide Read More »

7 Creative Thinking Techniques Everyone Should Know

In today’s rapidly changing world, creative thinking has become a valuable skill for both individuals and organizations. It allows us to come up with new and innovative solutions to complex problems, and to approach challenges in a unique and effective way. Imagine you are struggling to stay motivated and engaged in your studies. Instead of …

7 Creative Thinking Techniques Everyone Should Know Read More »

Responding and overcoming adversity

5 Inspiring Stories of Responding to Adversity and Overcoming Challenges

Adversity and challenges are a part of life, and everyone faces them at some point. However, our actions on the situation makes the difference. Some people let them overwhelm and defeat them, while others rise to the challenge and find ways to overcome them.  In this blog post, I will share five inspiring stories of …

5 Inspiring Stories of Responding to Adversity and Overcoming Challenges Read More »