35 critical thinking activities for kids in kindergarten

35 Critical Thinking Activities for Kids (New Gen. Version)

This curated list covers a wide range of engaging and entertaining activities that can help kids develop their critical thinking skills. These activities include creating comic strips, solving math problems with manipulatives, writing persuasive essays, and much more.

These activities are perfect for parents, educators, and anyone interested in promoting critical thinking in children. So, whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or a caregiver, try incorporating some of these activities into your child’s routine to help them develop essential critical thinking skills while having fun.

What does critical thinking mean?

Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and systematic way. It involves using reasoning and problem-solving skills to understand the world around them and make informed decisions.

Critical thinking helps children develop a deeper understanding of concepts and ideas, and it encourages them to question assumptions and seek out evidence to support their conclusions.

It is an essential skill for success in school, work, and life, as it enables children to think independently, make informed choices, and communicate their ideas effectively.

Why teach kids critical thinking activities

The benefits of these critical thinking activities for kids are numerous. By engaging in these types of activities, children can develop problem-solving skills, learn to think creatively and logically, and improve their ability to analyze and evaluate information.

These skills are crucial for success in school and beyond, as they prepare children to become effective learners and problem solvers in all areas of life.

Additionally, engaging in fun and engaging activities can help to spark children’s curiosity and passion for learning, making them more motivated and enthusiastic about education. Overall, these critical thinking activities can have a significant impact on children’s intellectual and personal development.

35 Critical thinking activities for kids

Play “What if” games:

Kids can use their imagination to think of different scenarios and ask themselves what they would do in each situation.

Solve puzzles:

Puzzles can challenge kids to think creatively and critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.


This activity can encourage kids to think outside of their own perspective and consider the thoughts and feelings of others.

Mind mapping:

Mind maps are visual tools that help kids organize their thoughts and ideas, improving their ability to analyze and think critically.


Debating can help kids develop their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to consider different perspectives and articulate their own opinions.


Brainstorming is a great way for kids to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems by working collaboratively.

Scavenger hunts:

Scavenger hunts can encourage kids to think creatively and critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Write stories:

Writing stories can help kids develop their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to create unique characters and scenarios.

Play board games:

Board games can challenge kids to think strategically while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Design challenges:

Design challenges can encourage kids to think creatively and critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Scientific experiments:

Scientific experiments can encourage kids to think critically about the world around them and ask questions to better understand scientific principles.

Play “what’s wrong with this picture”:

This game can help kids develop their observation and critical thinking skills by identifying what is incorrect or missing in a picture.

Ask open-ended questions:

Asking open-ended questions can help kids develop their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to consider different perspectives and come up with their own answers.

Play “I Spy”:

This game can help kids develop their observation and critical thinking skills by identifying objects based on clues and visual cues.

Solve riddles:

Riddles can challenge kids to think creatively and critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Creating a comic strip to tell a story:

Students can use their imagination and critical thinking skills to create a story that includes characters, a plot, and a resolution. They must use sequential art to tell their story, which requires organization, planning, and creativity.

Solving a math problem with manipulatives:

Manipulatives are hands-on materials that allow students to explore mathematical concepts in a concrete way. This approach encourages critical thinking because students must make connections between the physical objects and the abstract math concepts.

Writing a persuasive essay on a topic:

Writing a persuasive essay requires students to analyze a topic, gather evidence, and develop a convincing argument. This activity promotes critical thinking because students must use logic and reasoning to support their opinions.

Conducting a science experiment and analyzing results:

Students must use critical thinking skills to design and conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions. This activity encourages creativity because students can choose the experiment they wish to conduct and design it in a unique way.

Playing board games that require strategic thinking:

Board games that require strategic thinking, such as chess, encourage students to think several moves ahead and consider various options. This activity promotes critical thinking because students must analyze the situation and make informed decisions based on logic and reasoning.

Debating on a controversial topic:

Debating on a controversial topic encourages students to think critically about different perspectives and develop a convincing argument. This activity promotes creativity because students must use their imagination to come up with new and compelling arguments.

Creating a mind map to organize thoughts:

Mind mapping is a tool that helps students organize and structure information visually. This activity promotes critical thinking because students must analyze and synthesize information, make connections between concepts, and identify relationships.

Writing a book report or movie review:

Writing a book report or movie review requires students to analyze the plot, characters, and themes. This activity promotes critical thinking because students must evaluate the information, make connections between the various elements, and form an opinion.

Solving a crossword or Sudoku puzzle:

Puzzles require students to use critical thinking skills to solve problems, make connections, and identify patterns. This activity promotes creativity because students can find unique ways to approach the problem and come up with new strategies.

Building a structure with Legos or blocks:

Building a structure requires students to use critical thinking skills to plan and execute a design. This activity promotes creativity because students can use their imagination to create unique and innovative designs.

Role-playing a historical event or fictional story:

Role-playing activities encourage students to think critically about different perspectives and develop empathy for others. This activity promotes creativity because students can use their imagination to create unique characters and scenarios.

Creating a scavenger hunt with clues and riddles:

Scavenger hunts require students to use critical thinking skills to solve puzzles and find hidden objects. This activity promotes creativity because students can create unique clues and riddles.

Analyzing a current event and discussing its implications:

Analyzing current events requires students to use critical thinking skills to analyze information and draw conclusions. This activity promotes creativity because students can approach the event from different perspectives and develop new insights.

Brainstorming solutions to a community problem:

Brainstorming solutions to a community problem requires students to use critical thinking skills to identify the root causes of the problem and develop creative solutions. This activity promotes creativity because students can approach the problem from different angles and develop unique solutions.

Designing a new product or invention:

Designing a new product or invention requires students to use critical thinking skills to identify a need or problem, develop a solution, and create a prototype. This activity promotes creativity because students can approach the problem from different perspectives and develop innovative solutions.

Play memory games:

Memory games can challenge kids to think critically while also improving their ability to remember information.

Create art:

Creating art can encourage kids to think creatively while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Play “guess the object”:

This game can help kids develop their observation and critical thinking skills by identifying objects based on clues and visual cues.

Solve mazes:

Mazes can challenge kids to think critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.

Create a treasure hunt:

Creating a treasure hunt can encourage kids to think creatively and critically while also improving their problem-solving skills.


Overall, kids will become street smart as well when they are taught with such new generation critical thinking activities.

As parents and educators, it’s important to encourage and facilitate these activities to help children build a solid foundation for their future success.

Have a great day👋

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