art based learning to become creative

Art Based Learning to Enhance Creativity & Problem Solving Skills

Art based learning is a teaching approach that is made up with adding creative activities into the learning process. The idea is that by engaging in artistic activities, one can gain new insights and perspectives on the topic you might be learning.

It also develops interest in learning process, take Albert Einstein, he used to play violin during learning sessions.

Art based learning also promotes creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, which can be valuable both in and outside of the classroom.

Benefit of art based learning

When you practice art based learning, you can express yourself in new and remarkable ways. You can discover your feelings and sentiments through your art, and use it as a way to gain insight on the world around you.

With you love for art you can engage yourself deeper into learning process.

But that’s not all – it can also help you nurture important cognitive capabilities. When you’re working on an art venture, you have to contemplate deeply and address issues creatively. This can help you improve your critical thinking and sharpen your problem-solving skills.

  • Art helps connect different ideas
  • Creating art encourages problem-solving
  • Art-based learning improves observation skills
  • Art challenges students to think differently
  • Art-based learning improves communication skills

You know there are a lot of benefits of going with this approach. Let me give you an example of art based learning to get things clear.

Example of art based learning

One example of art-based learning could be participating in a theater production. Through the process of rehearsing and performing a play, the student can learn about collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving. They may also develop their self-confidence and public speaking skills. And by, studying the script and analyzing the characters can enhance their critical thinking abilities.

Acting is an art, and students will learn other soft skills along with it.

“Through the arts, we learn to see things in a new way and to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.”

Elliot Eisner

Basically, it doesn’t mean you need to have a fancy artistic ability connected to you lesson. It is just a framework which makes learning easier.

To make it work you need to find something that you love doing (for eg. coding), then connect it with something you want to learn (for eg. socializing). You will join programming communities, join meetups and you’ll become great at socializing. That’s art based learning.

Art based learning & critical thinking

It is not just about making pretty pictures. It can help us develop our critical thinking skills as well, by encouraging us to question things and think deeply about them.

When we engage in artistic activities, we learn to look at things from different perspectives, analyze information, and form our own opinions. We also learn to interpret and communicate complex ideas through art.

5 Tips to become an artistic learner

This is a broad topic in itself and deserve a separate blog post, but let me give you a brief overview of it & I’ll link it afterwards.

Five tips:

  1. Decide an art (something you like)
  2. Connect it with, skill to learn
  3. Start very small
  4. Give dedicated time
  5. Repeat

Just an overview!!

Real life personalities who implemented art based learning

Art-based learning has been a common thread among many successful individuals across various fields. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., credited his experience with calligraphy as a major influence on the design of Apple products.

Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Einstein himself was an accomplished violinist and believed that music was essential to his creative thinking.

Similarly, Maya Angelou, the celebrated author, poet, and civil rights activist, often turned to painting and drawing as a source of inspiration for her writing.

These examples demonstrate how art based learning can provide a unique outlet for creativity and self-expression, ultimately leading to success in various aspects of life.

How can you incorporate art based learning into everyday life

It can be easily incorporated into everyday life for personal and professional growth. Here are some strategies for doing so:

  • Use drawing to help visualize complex ideas or concepts.
  • Incorporate artistic expression into note-taking or brainstorming.
  • Create visual representations of information to aid in memorization.
  • Use art-based exercises to spark creativity and generate new ideas.
  • Seek out opportunities to engage with art in your community or workplace.

Future of artistic learning

As we continue to move towards an increasingly automated and digital world, the importance of creativity and critical thinking skills cannot be overstated.

Artistic learning offers a unique approach to developing these skills that can complement traditional academic subjects. With the rise of STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), we can expect to see more integration of art-based learning in schools and universities.

Apart from tradition school or college studies, art-based learning is also making waves in the business world. Companies are recognizing the value of creativity and innovation in staying competitive and are incorporating art based learning into their employee training and development programs.

Art based learning & the world

On a larger scale, the potential impact of art-based learning on society is significant. With growing concerns about the future of work and the need for lifelong learning, art-based learning offers a way for individuals to develop skills that will be valuable in a variety of careers and industries. It can also foster a more empathetic and culturally aware society, as art is a powerful tool for understanding and communicating diverse perspectives.

The future of artistic learning looks bright, and its potential impact on education, business, and society as a whole is promising. As we continue to navigate an ever-changing world, it offers a valuable way to develop the skills we need to succeed and thrive.


It’s never too late to start. You are using several techniques already, you just don’t know their names including myself.

So why no add artistic learning as well. What it takes? Just something you love and something you want to learn.

For eg. I love creative process of using planners. How will I go for it.

I’ll start with my loving art, planning on wall board. And using that I’ll learn SEO, track my blog’s reach, do several experiments, and sometime in future will share with you guys.

I know it will work.

I would ask you as well to join me.

This was it, have a great day, take care🙌✨

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